ABR-Initia Abogados

Informative talk about “Brexit”


Residency vs non-residence: A choice?
Brexit:an update on the latest events and implications for UK expats in Spain
The importance of Residencia and Empadronamiento
Reporting obligations for residents and non-residents

Tenencia de Alcaldia together with Abr Initia law firm and Blactower Financial Management (International) will be holding an informative talk in English on the advantages and disadvantages of taking Spanish residency and the latest news on brexit.

Wednesday 10th April 2019, Tenencia de Alcaldía Torre del Mar, first floor, in font of the police station. Calle Manuel Azuaga “Abuelo de Torre del Mar”, 1, 29740 Torre del Mar, Málaga.

Join Tim Govaerts(Blacktower) Jose Migue Moreno(Abr Initia)l Richard Mills(Blacktower) and Diego Montosa(Abr Initia) for a free, open to all presentation, with the opportunity to ask questions both during and following the event.

Those interested are requested to confirm their attendance by e-mail to: info@abr-initia.com or call 0034952816443 / 0034645618817.

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Vi er et spansk advokatfirma som tilbyr profesjonelle tjenester både på nasjonalt og internasjonalt nivå. Vi hjelper privatpersoner og selskaper innenfor spansk

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